Personal Development Tools
Be the Master of your Life with these Personal Development Tools!
Weight Loss ProgramThis program can help you take control of your health and wellness through a variety of tools that include herbal supplements, understanding nutrition, meditation, hypnosis, and focusing on positive affirmations.
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Monthly MembershipAs a Personal Development member, you’ll learn and create shifts in your mindset that will make success an outcome in your life instead of an option.
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Life Coaching ServicesPersonal results and major shifts from Michelle's intuitive Coaching/Mentoring sessions are unsurpassed.
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Energetic Cord CuttingMost effective towards freeing up emotional pain associated with troubled relationships. The entire process takes about 20 minutes to perform and can be done either in person or over distance.
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Reiki 1 CertificationCOMING SOON!
Program for StressCOMING SOON!